- Feedback Trombone
The Feedback Trombone is a trombone that has been outfitted with a microphone and speaker feedback system to produce controllable "larsen-effect" feedback. A joystick on the right hand sweeps a filter on the feedback, and a breath-pressure sensor controls the gain of the feedback loop. The first revision was developed in collaboration with Rajeev Erramilli, and the second revision was developed in collaboration with the trombone duo RAGE Thormbones (Weston Olencki and Mattie Barbier).
It is described in detail in the 2018 NIME paper, The Feedback Trombone: Controlling Feedback in Brass Instruments
The Feedback Trombone appears in the pieces Fever Dream and Wave Fanfare.
Rage Thormbones perform "Fever Dream" with PLOrk on two feedback trombones.
Testing the Rev1 Feedback Trombone prototype.
Rev 1 Prototype